Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
The Boldest Hoax
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Observations About Today's WT Indoctrination
by OneFingerSalute inthis mornings wt was pretty amazing in it's totally asinine application of the term "relationship".. it started right off the bat asserting that jehovah is only interested in a relationship with "you" after "you" put forth the effort to get close to him.
par 14 said to be specific in prayer so you could see "subtle" answers.
par 15 then directly contradicted par.
Brokeback Watchtower
The last time God talked to man he said "this my son, listen to him!"
In your heavily biased dream's anyway at least
Trolley Stands Up, Door-to-Door Work Down?
by steve2 inseveral threads have discussed the increased use of of the trolley work by witnesses in various countries (e.g, australia, new zealand, the states, canada and britain to name a few).
several posters have described trolley settings as largely ignored by passersby and/or the witnesses immersed in everything other than appearing ready and waiting to make contact with passersby.
what impact will this increased shift to trolley work have on the hallmark feature of jws, their door-to-door work?
Brokeback Watchtower
One nice thing about trolley dolly and being stationary is that apostates can approach them and fill them in on all these child molestation lawsuits and the big money grab that the Governing Body is using to pay them off. They can't escape when we tell them. That has got to be very demoralizing and ego deflating of confidence in the Watchtower Corporation.
We can show them where the Watchtower Corporation is playing them as suckers for all that they can get, money free labor, baptizing very young children and having their parents shun them when they don't follow corporate dirrective to a tee, etc... which should help to slow down the works eventually. I'd stay away from dopey doctrinal issues and focus in right away on how they are being played all the while the greedy fucks who run the corporation are laughing all the way to the bank.
No More Money!
by Hold Me-Thrill Me inas of this june (i've already given my may contributions which are substantial) i am no longer giving money to support useless building projects that serve no good purpose.
i am no longer giving money at conventions or assemblies.
i am no longer giving money toward the circuit overseers upkeep.
Brokeback Watchtower
Great news! Now if we can only get back what we gave to them in the past o well maybe a nice class action lawsuit to try and recuperate what else they took from us.
The Boldest Hoax
by Brokeback Watchtower in
If you were put in charge of the Governing Body tomorrow...
by FusionTheism inif you were somehow magically put in-charge of the governing body tomorrow, by jesus, with the rules being, you could not teach anything that would be considered outright apostasy and you could not teach anything that would be considered to cause doubt about god's existence... (so as not to arouse suspicion).
what "new light" or "clarified understandings" would you introduce first?.
and which later on?.
Brokeback Watchtower
Direct from the Pied Piper
NEW JW music video "Give You My All" Please resist the urge to Self-harm or\and Projectile vomit
by Watchtower-Free injw broadcasting june 2015 ..........................please resist the urge to self-harm or\and projectile vomit .
Brokeback Watchtower
I will listen to it later when I have a throw up bucket available. But all is I can say keep it coming GB boys your stupidity and corruption must become widely known and more of the faithful turn away in disgust. -
Will The WT Corporation Be Faced With More Civil Lawsuits Be Filed And Won Over Emotional Pain And Suffering Caused By Shunning World Wide?
by Brokeback Watchtower inthe way society today is become more and more sensitive about social wrongs like child abuse, mistreatment of gay people, discrimination and things that cause psychological harm me spell doom for the wt corporation in the courts as the record is clear to judges and juries that the wt corporation is an abusive cult that needs the law systems to bring them to accounts $$$$ for their cruel treatments to minors and anyone they deem "mentally diseased" and avoided because they found out the wt corporation is a web of lies and deceit.. i feel we are in the very beginning of the end and the lawsuits will pile up to the point of bankruptcy for these abusive crooks..
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm thinking a forward thinking lawyer might find a gold mine in a class action lawsuit from those that lost family ties due to the Watchtower's Heartless edicts for mandatory conduct of its dedicated corporate slaves. -
The Bible is NOT Error-Free
by FusionTheism infor many christians, the bible is viewed as the 100% error-free, perfect book straight from god, where every single word was carefully chosen by god for a reason.
but, usually, when you have a discussion on the topic, these christians will end up saying that only the original copies written directly from the hands of the prophets and apostles were error-free, and all manuscript copies since then are subject to copyist mistakes and other errors.. since zero original copies are in existence, how do we know the originals were error-free?
why should we think the originals should be error-free to begin with?
Brokeback Watchtower
So is that his unbelieving wife checking up on him? Hey I here the cart jingle in the back round: